What To Know About Utilizing Wicketed Bags For Baked Goods Packaging

At Pearl Technologies, we’re proud to provide our customers with all of the components they need to add modifications to wicketed bags, such as vents, holes, or perforations. If you’re a wicketed bag making manufacturer, we have everything you need – from wicket hubs and arms to precision punching units to web handling equipment and […]

How eCommerce Packaging Can Increase Sustainability

The global eCommerce plastic packaging market was worth $10.26 billion in 2020 – and it’s expected to grow to $21.78 billion by 2026 – a CAGR (combined annual growth rate) of 13.6%. But as the market for plastic packaging grows, packaging manufacturers need to think about sustainability. Plastic waste is a huge problem for consumers, […]

The Leader In Wicket Punch Attachments

At Pearl, we take great pride in being at the forefront of innovation in the blown film and plastic packaging industry. One of the ways in which we serve our customers by providing superior products is by creating high-quality wicket attachments that ensure consistent results, minimize bag rejections, and are built to last. Wicketed Bags […]

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